Myths and Wrong assumption about NTSE

Myths & Wrong assumption about NTSE:


Q. NTSE is very tough exam.

A. NTSE is not as tough as assumed, usually it is easer than your board exams.


Q. Is Long time preparation required for NTSE?

A. No, as its syllabus is same as you studding currently, it needs more concentration than more time duration.


Q. Can only Science toppers crack the NTSE?

A. No, it is not for assess your grip on science only; it is also needing your hold on social science. Apart from your school subject MAT is also judge your Mental Ability. So, it is a purely Talent Search Exam.


Q. Why majority of student score very less marks in NTSE?

A. Main reason of less total of candidate in NTSE is OMR sheet, lots of aspirants unaware about it and make lots of mistakes in marking of answers. If any one want to score high he/she have to simultaneously practice marking on OMR sheet.  


Q. Does preparation of NTSE affects board result?

A. No, as syllabus of both is same, so preparation of NTSE helps to score high in board exam.