AIIMS PG - Percentile Scores

AIIMS PG - Percentile Scores:

Percentile scores are scores based on the relative performance of all those who appear for the examination Basically, the marks obtained are transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each group of examinees The Percentile Score indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored Equal to or Below that particular Percentile in that examination. The highest score is converted to a Percentile score of 100.

The marks obtained in between the highest and lowest scores are also converted to appropriate Percentiles

The Percentile Scores would be converted to 3 decimal places to avoid bunching effect and therefore reduce ties

The following is a further explanation of the interpretation of the scores in an examination with 100 candidates.

• If candidate A‟s Percentile score is 100, it indicates that amongst those who have taken the examination, 100% have scored either EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN the candidate A. It also indicates that no candidate has scored more that candidate A.

• If candidate B‟s Percentile score is 90, it indicates that 90% of the candidates who have taken the examination have scored either EQUAL TO OR LESS than candidate B. It also indicates that remaining candidates have scored more than candidate B.

• If candidate C‟s Percentile score is 50, it indicates that 50% of the candidates who have taken the examination have scored either EQUAL TO OR LESS than candidate C. It also indicates that remaining half of those who took the examination have scored more than candidate C.

• If candidate D‟s Percentile score is 30, it indicates that 30% of the candidates who have taken the examination have scored either EQUAL TO OR LESS than candidate D. It also indicates that remaining have scored more than candidate D.

• If candidate E‟s Percentile score is 1, it indicates that none of the candidates who have taken the examination have scored either EQUAL TO OR LESS than candidate E. It also indicates that all remaining candidates who took the examination have scored more than candidate.