IIT-JEE Advanced-2021- AAT Syllabus

IIT-JEE Advanced-2021- JEE Advanced AAT Syllabus:

Architecture aptitude test

Freehand drawing

This would comprise of simple drawing depicting the total object in its right form and proportion, surface texture, relative location and details of its component parts in appropriate scale

Common domestic or day-to-day life usable objects like furniture, equipment etc. from memory

Geometrical drawing

Exercises in geometrical drawing containing lines, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, etc.

Study of plan

Elevation of simple solid objects like prisms, cones, cylinders, cubes, splayed surface holders, etc.

Three-dimensional perception

Understanding and appreciation of three-dimensional forms with building elements, colour, volume and orientation

Visualization through structuring objects in memory

Imagination and aesthetic sensitivity

Composition exercise with given elements

Context mapping

Creativity check through innovative uncommon test with familiar objects

Sense of colour grouping or application

Architectural awareness

General interest and awareness of famous architectural creations – both national and international, places and personalities (architects, designers, etc.) in the related domain